Curriculum Vitae
Some more background
Active roles Francisco
President and Chief Customer Success Officer (and Founder together with Paul Geerlings)
sept 2001 - Present
okt 2019 - Present
Commissioner supervisory board
jan 2004 - Present
Member of the IT Advisory Board
jan 2019 - Present
Member of the VMware Partner Advisory Council
sept 2016 - Present
And I permanently advise various companies and entrepreneurs below the radar on various issues like business growth, acquisitions, marketing and sales etcetc. I you want more info about this please contact me on francisco@francisco.nl
The past
Advisory Board Member
apr - jul 2019
Former founder and Co- Owner after the acquisition I was a member of the advisory board (4 years)
The S Unit is a ITQ Spinoff
Advisory Board Member
jan 2006 - jun 2019
Former founder and Co- Owner after the acquisition I was a member of the advisory board.
Provisior is a former ITQ Group company
Founder Eupsco
2012 - 2015
Eupsco is ITQ Spinoff and acquired (and rebranded)
Non profit / community work
Board Member Park Sociëteit
jan 2010 - 2015
Local Partner Hack in the Box
2009 - 2014
Member of the Dutch RoundTable
for many many years.......